A collection of news and information about property management and rental properties in and around Wanaka and the rest of New Zealand.

A review of Wanaka's long term property rental market December 2024 to February 2025 by Home & Co Property Management
Wanaka rental market update - what is renting, what is popular
Understanding the difference between periodic and fixed-term tenancy agreements is essential for both landlords and tenants in New Zealand. Let’s break it down, so you know exactly what you’re committing to.
The rental market has been a little tougher to find tenants in the winter months.
September is SUC Free (Single Use Cup), and it’s a perfect time to make the switch to reusable cups.
Every landlord wants the right tenants who care for and respect their residential rental so when thinking about buying a property as a prospective rental, here are five features (excluding location) that tenants tell us they look for in a rental home.
When it comes to dealing with rent arrears, Colleen Topping, director of Home & Co., has three proactive tips to address this situation.
It’s important to know what property repairs and/or damage you are responsible for throughout a tenancy under the Residential Tenancies Act and Tenancy Services legislation, and how ‘fair wear and tear’ is defined.
Recently Home & Co were able to help Shashika Jayasinghe and his brother-in-law, both from Sri Lanka, into a long-term rental property.
Home & Co wins Property Management Company of the Year in the 2023 Leading Property Managers Association (LPMA) Excellence in Property Management Awards.
The landlord needs to maintain the smoke alarms in working order, however it is the tenant’s responsibility to replace non-working batteries. Read on for more info.
We have put together some tips for those landlords who self-manage their residential rental property. It can be a challenging but rewarding job if done correctly.
Here are our top three suggestions for the best maintenance tasks for your residential rental property to tick off in the summer months.
Some owners of newly built residential properties feel that they don’t need a property manager if they’re letting it to long-term tenants, but that may not be the case in every situation.
Insuring your rental property, along with almost every other cost, is on the increase. We explore some ways of overcoming the cost increases.