
Do You Need A Property Manager For A New Build?

Some owners of newly built residential properties feel that they don’t need a property manager if they’re letting it to long-term tenants. After all, it’s a new property and it won’t need any maintenance for some time, right? 

Well, yes and no.

What if there are faults that need to be addressed with the builder? Leaking windows, leaking taps, doors that stick…

These are all things that may not become apparent until the tenant has occupied the property for a period of time, and the builder has moved on to new jobs. 

The team at Home & Co manage several newly built rental properties locally and, over the years, we’ve seen new build issues that need to be addressed promptly, benefiting both the owner and the tenant. 

Remember, a big part of our job is working with tenants, owners and any third parties like builders and sub-contractors. Taps are easy to fix. It takes time and experience to liaise with everyone involved for a positive resolution of any unexpected issues with a new build. As the owner, do you want the hassle?

We’re here for a no obligation chat about any new build property management queries you may have. Please contact us.